Let's talk
Our team is located in Canada, U.S., Mexico, Ecuador, U.K., France, Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, Turkey, South Africa, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines, Taiwan, China, Japan, covering all time zones, providing 24/7/365 support for our worldwide customers. We are always ready to help our customers improve their business and services.
Head Office
YRP-1, 3-4 Hikarinoka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan, 239-0847
Questions? We’re here to help
Ask about CBA Live Assist, features, pricing, implementation or anything else. We are on standby ready to help you solve any questions you might have.
Is the service available globally?
Yes, CBA Live Assist is available globally.
Is it compatible with iOS and Android?
Yes! Live Assist is compatible with both of these operating systems.